Thursday, November 26, 2009

Some Wealth Creation Secrets

Everybody wants to get wealthy including children and adults from different backgrounds. We all strive hard day in day out to do something to get wealth. There is this need in everybody to make money and make it quickly, especially for the male folks. Everyman wants to responsible and be able to take care of his immediate family. That is why they go all out scavenging and hunting for something to do to get money but man a times we all miss the mark because of our orientation and perception about wealth, riches and money in general. Many just desire to get this money at all cost or what repercussion the means of getting it might have on them or their children in the future. They say “the end justifies the means” not knowing that the means have its own place in the future. This article is to enlighten you and show you a little secrete about wealth creation that has been ignored by many.

The secrete to wealth is helping other people find answers to their questions or helping others solve their problems. As simple as it may sound it is a sure way to your financial independence. There is really nothing more to explain about this than to show you a scenario on how you could become wealthy by helping others find answers. This article will help you paint various pictures in your mind on several ways you could creatively make the world you have always dreamt of.

Let us use the following scenario as a case study:

Mr. A owns a transport company and he has about fifty taxis in his company. Each taxi uses about one liter of fuel every one hour. That means the company consumes about fifty liters of fuel every one hour, making it about one thousand two hundred (1,200) liters daily if they work round the clock. Lets assume a liter if one dollar ($1); it means each taxi uses about $24 worth of fuel making it about $1,200 daily for the company. If Mr. B comes up with an idea that could save the company about $700 from the daily expenditure while still running round the clock with the same quantity of fuel, do you think Mr. A’s company will not be willing to pay Mr. $200 for such an idea? Or even more than $200. If Mr. B does this for about five companies as a start, this gives him about $1,000 daily, $30,000 monthly and $365,000 annually. Awesome you would say, right? But this could in different ways, it could just be helping to students remember what they were taught in the class room before their examinations or tests comes up like an extra curricular class, it could be just helping potential entrepreneurs do feasibility study about the businesses they are about starting, it could be helping job seekers find the right jobs and helping employers hired the right candidate for their vacant positions, it could be helping a large company follow up on customers and so on.

Life could actually be easier if everyone realizes this and just be discipline enough to put it into practice. If this is true, that means there is no need to kill somebody for ritual just to get money because when you do that you are not answering nor solving any problem for anybody, there will be no need to scam others of their hard earned money because when you do that, you are creating more problems than solving the existing ones. Your struggle maybe, how do I know what problem to solve or whose problem should I solve? I would advised you go to my blog at and read some other articles there, especially the one I talked about the V.A.L.U.E. Wealth Creation Principles and subscribe to my email feed or simply bookmark the blog page to keep you informed of my article updates.. I believe this will greatly help you. And one more thing I like to say though it will further buttress in my next articles is ‘be hungry and passionate about your dreams’ and never ever quit fighting for it because quitters never win and winners never quit.

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